
Halloween-candy-related Silliness

The above is a video of the twins acting extremely silly the other night. We were reading a Halloween book and they got very excited about naming and touching the candies drawn in the back of the book. "Candy corn! Gummy worms! Popcorn!" All elicited bursts of uncontrolled laughter. But, of course, with twins the fun never lasts. Sigh.


Not-so-recent Adventures

Monday is Jamison's day off, so we often explore some place in the city. A month ago (actually September 11th) we took the train to Dumbo in Brooklyn where there is a lovely park and view of the Manhattan skyline and Brooklyn Bridge. Then we walked across the Brooklyn Bridge into Manhattan. It was one of the most enjoyable things we've done here. It was a beautiful day and it is an amazing view of the city. And the bridge is really amazing too. (By the way, that's our fancy stroller some of you have heard of.)
On the other side, we found ourselves so close to Ground Zero that we decided to visit it for the first time. It was unbelievably crowded and overwhelming, but it felt significant to be there on the 5th anniversary and to hear some of the names read aloud.
I just finished a novel that is about a family who lost their father/son/husband in 9/11-- Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran Foer. I loved it. It feels strange to read books set in this city that we now live (I also recently finished A Tree Grows in Brooklyn).
I still feel like I'm on an extended visit or something. New York is significant in so many ways. It is overwhelming to take it all in as a new resident of the city. I feel proud to call it my home.

At home

I'd like to say that we are always adventurous, but we still have our times of sitting in front of the TV just to get through the day.
The kids are very opinionated and particular these days. They demand specific TV shows (and don't seem to understand that I have no control over the PBS lineup), culinary desires (often cupcakes or pancakes or cookies or beans and cheese...which one of these doesn't belong?), and even modes of transportation (bus or train or walking, never stroller). I never knew that 2-year-olds were so opinionated.


Meet our aspiring NYC rock stars.

The kids were having some gender confusion and begged to switch clothes. Adison, this is Arthur's best sexy pose for you (disregard the pink flowers embroidered on his pants).

Daddy really wanted Arthur to have some Brooklyn gear. Unfortunately, Adaline likes the hat more than Arthur...but she prefers to wear it backwards.