
Recent events

Solomon turned two! He requested "ice cream truck" for his party. We settled on making him an ice cream cake.

School started and Tihun joined in on the fun. She is in kindergarten and is doing great. She can't wait to start each day and has been described by her teachers as the role model for the class. The twins are in second grade. They have had a little bit of a rocky start (absent teacher, substitutes, misbehaving...), but seem to be doing better. Adaline has declared herself the best math student in the class and Arthur, the best reader. Those two have never struggled with a lack of self-confidence!

Daddy walks them to school most mornings...

While Solomon and I stay home and have treats.

This is my first experience with one kid at home, and I must say it is wonderful. I feel like a new mom walking around with my little stroller and my little one kid. I am so much more laid-back and spontaneous. And Solomon seems to be enjoying it too. I wondered if he'd be sad being home alone, but he likes the extra attention from me. He is growing up so fast---riding a scooter, hitting a baseball, begging to potty...and he never stops talking. But I thankfully get a little peace and quiet during nap time. It is nice to get a little calm from the storm that was/is 0 to 2 to 4 kids.
And finally, Tihun pulled out her own tooth! It has been loose for a while. It was bothering her, so she just yanked it out. After hearing the pop of the tooth, she calmly replied, "I got it." Adaline immediately rushed it down to put under Tihun's pillow and then started sobbing. Adaline hasn't lost any teeth yet and she was devastated that her little sister lost one before her. I think this is only the beginning of little sister passing her older siblings. You should have seen her on a skateboard the other day. She's a natural at all things physical (and so is Solomon). Something that I can not say about the older two :) Lots of fun!

Oh, and I suppose I should mention that I followed in Adaline's footsteps and cut my hair to donate to Locks of Love (the longest layer was 16 inches!). She sort of regretted cutting her hair after the fact. She would cry on the couch saying, "I miss my hair." When I told her that I might donate mine too she replied, "Serves you right for making me cut mine!" Ouch. She came with me and enjoyed watching the shearing (and really enjoyed her first salon experience). It feels great!