
Olympic Mountain Men


Anonymous said...

Hey!!! Just wanted to drop you a line. Sorry we missed you at the reunion a few weeks ago. I found your website in the reunion book and have enjoyed reading about you and your family. The twins are too cute!!! WOW!!! - Tammy

shookfoil said...

How nice to hear from you! I would have loved to catch up with everyone, but distance prohibited us from attending. I hope it was fun. Was it? Actually, just yesterday I was trying to find out on the internet how to order one of those bio books. I thought that since I couldn't go it might be nice to at least read up on what people have been doing. Does the bio book have a lot of entries? Do you know how I could get one? And what have you been up to? Please feel free to e-mail me a response to this instead of having to post it here. My e-mail is my first and last name with no underscores or dashes or anything else @hotmail.com Does that make sense? Hope to hear from you.