
Waiting for Christmas--Belated

The kids patiently awaited Christmas morning. Over the month we received several boxes full of presents in the mail. By the end, the kids screamed "presents!" every time the door buzzer rang. We made lots of forts out of the big boxes and surprisingly, only a couple of gifts were stolen and partially unwrapped from underneath the tree.

We celebrated advent every night all month with candles and carols and chocolate. It was perfect for preparing young children for what was to come. They knew exactly what was going to happen on Christmas and why we were celebrating. It made the waiting and anticipating much more fun. We are continuing the celebration through the 12 days of Christmas
and I suspect that this is the beginning of a new nightly routine for our family. There's nothing better than ending the day with a little chocolate and hearing your kids' sweet singing voices.

Christmas Day pictures to come...as soon as they are downloaded for my computer-illiterate use.

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