
Brrr, it's cold outside

Winter is here and it takes creativity to prevent hibernation in our household. We spent Jamison's last day off at the NY Aquarium by Coney Island. You get to alternate between warm tanks inside and cold viewings outside. We also had authentic Russian food in Brighton Beach, a neighborhood that has the appearance of being transported directly into Russia (all Russian language signs and all Russian-speaking people). Arthur loves a Russian dumpling and Adaline appreciates the Ukrainian sausage. Today we had a fun (but short) sledding day in the snow. We could only stand the low temps for an hour. Tomorrow is supposed to be a high of 14 degrees. Yikes!
This sea lion gave our kids nice juicy kisses that were not caught on camera. The parents declined the sea lion saliva.
Huge walrus.
Adaline was terrified of the sharks. She begged to see them, but did not appreciate Mom trying to throw her towards them in the tank. I've never seen her so scared!

1 comment:

Cloverland Farm said...

we'd love to come over or i'd meet you, either way. jealous that jamison is going! call me at 718 415 6406.