

The kids started school this week. Today is their first full-day after two half-days. They were understandably a little overwhelmed when we arrived to a school yard full of noisy "big" kids and much chaos. But they were fine and quickly adjusted to the classroom. Their teacher has 25 years of elementary teaching experience in Brooklyn and has requested kindergarten for the last few years. I'm guessing he's the most qualified kindergarten teacher in NYC :) I am very excited about him--very energetic and fun, but also in control of his class...something that my daughter could especially benefit from. (I think she did the controlling last year.) They also have a special education teacher in the class with the same years of experience. The other fun thing is that I can say "they" and "their." The principal let me put them in the same classroom which is very exciting for them and me (and a little scary for the teachers). Lastly, all of the public schools in our area require uniforms. They look pretty cute, I must say.

Photo shoot the day before:
Walking to school:
Feeling shy...a first for them:
In line waiting to go to class room:
This shows part of their class--so far only 19 kids, which is great for NYC:

1 comment:

Blessed Mama said...

I LOVE the uniforms. Adorable. What a cool experience they are getting. I feel like they'll grow up to be famous because they're going to school there. :)