
Field Trip

The kids went on their first field trip this week. (I tagged along.) We went to a farm in Queens, the only farm in the city from what I was told. I would describe it as less of a farm and more of an assembly line forcing hundreds of kids through various stations of viewing/riding/feeding animals. Sometimes I felt like we were being treated like animals more than the actual farm animals. They were constantly being fed and petted and groomed, while we were shoved around and corralled like sheep.
It was chaotic and torturous for the adults, but fun for the kids.

The kids were very excited about their first school bus ride. Arthur and his partner started out happy (pictured here) but were flicking and punching each other the whole way home...I finally separated them. I'm not sure what would have happened if I wasn't there because the kids are all too short to see what's going on in the seats. The majority of the kids fell asleep on the way home. Not mine.

Adaline and Arthur were the only kids in the class who would hold a chicken. Their teacher saw them and said, "So the Galts are brave." Their classmates were very impressed. City kids.


Goes On Runs said...

that does not sound like fun. :( we can't take a trip until all the pre-k'ers have turn 4.... after december. who knows what that will look like.

stephanie said...

Sounds fun. Glad you got to go.