
One Family

In one sense, Tihun and Solomon have joined a new family. They have lost their birth family, their birth country and culture, and everything they know, and they have become part of something new. This is simultaneously tragic and beautiful. Nevertheless, it is their story, and our family has chosen to become a part of their story. Our family is blessed to have them in our lives.

In another sense, we are happy to be able to keep them in the same family in which they were raised. Both Tihun and Solomon were baptized as Christians in the Ethiopian Orthodox Church a few days after they were born. Last Sunday, we were able to take vows before our church to promise to uphold their baptismal vows. We did not know them when they joined God's family, but it brings me joy that we are able to keep them in the same family. It's only one continuity in their transitional little lives, but it's the most important thing that I can think of to stay the same.
I can't show you too many pictures of the ceremony because I was weeping pretty quickly into it (which is not pretty). I didn't realize that we were taking vows, and certainly hadn't read them, so I was taking it in as they were being asked. Our pastor asked the simple question, "Do you take these children to be your own?" and I responded with a weeping yelp. Very embarrassing, but I am thankful for the emotional experience. It was good to stand in front of so many people, promising to love Tihun and Solomon and raise them as part of God's family. I felt the weight and joy of it, and let it all loose in front of hundreds of people :)
That evening we celebrated at an Ethiopian restaurant. Tihun was ecstatic. She ate a ton and ruined the beautiful Ethiopian dress I bought for her baptism (before I knew she had already been baptized). She also enjoyed speaking Amharic to the wait staff who were very sweet and kind. It was a special celebration!


Blessed Mama said...

What a beautiful story! I promise you I would have been WEEPING with you had I been there! I'm so happy for you all and your beautiful family.

Unknown said...

Shoot, now I've got to mop up all these tears! haha! Beautiful post! Thanks so much!

((One easy way to document & keep track of everything happening is to simply tweet it. Just type in One Line a Day. (what's happening, milestones, funny things) These tweets are all saved in a folder under your name on your page. Copy & paste to Microsoft Word in one click & It's an automatic baby book!))

Miss you! Jenny Fox Shain

Josh Anderson said...

Love the pictures and story, Laura!