
Barber Shop

Arthur had his first barber shop experience. Dad had to take him to 3 shops before they found someone who would cut with scissors. Arthur was apparently very persistent and said he would "walk forever" to find a place that accepts his hair. He has been brushing his hair out of his eyes for a while, and now he looks like such a big boy. Why do haircuts add 2 years to a little boy? I guess I'm just sad that my little ones are in school and officially big kids.
A couple Adaline anecdotes for the week--

Praying at the dinner table: "Thank you for Dad. Thank you for Mom. Thank you for my brother. Thank you for our house. Thank you for school. Thank you for food. Thank you for the world. [Pause] [Deep breath] I am NOT thankful that I don't have a kitty. I am NOT thankful that Daddy is sick of kitties (translation: allergic to cats, which is our excuse why we won't get her one). Amen."

Adaline loves to pretend to read our books. This week she picked up a Bible book and began to read (in her British accent, mind you): "A soft answer turns away wrath. Hmm. We'll see... I don't think so. I think a hard answer turns away wrath." The written text doesn't begin to give you the sense of how it sounded with her accent and intonation. But you get the idea :)

1 comment:

stephanie said...

I want to see an "after" picture.