
Adventures of Sweet Friends

It is so fun to listen in on a conversation between two kids who are the same age and have never known life without the other. We are certainly in a unique position--something that I have to remind myself to be grateful for, especially because it also involves lots of fighting and biting. These pictures were taken in the park when the kids were on a search for the "gooey geyser" (something from a Dora video). They take scenarios from videos or books and recreate them in our apartment or in the park. We are entering imaginary play--such a fun stage to be in with twins.

Together they also instigate not-so-desirable adventures. They love to move chairs to climb wherever they want to get whatever they shouldn't have. The other day they helped each other get all of the keys down from the key rack. They proceeded to put some keys in the hole in Dad's guitar, while trying to fit another key in the electric outlet. Not a good idea.

Perhaps their most fun moments together are spent in their separate cribs before nap and bed times. This has always been the case for them, but they've recently taken it to a new level. The old repertoire included throwing everything out of the bed, jumping, singing, laughing, crying, etc. Now they've extended the time of play (often 2 hours) and have added the removal of clothing (including the diaper). We check in after an hour performance and find them completely naked in a bare bed. You just have to hope that the diaper is empty before it is catapulted from the bed. (Once Arthur performed in his own poo. A very messy event.) Besides the loads of fun that they have together, the only positive outcome of this is that Mom's "nap time" is potentially much longer. Unfortunately, they don't sleep any later in the morning...still early risers. In fact, a couple of times they've cried at 5 am because they were naked again without their blankets. Did they perform in their sleep?

On to the pictures of sweet friends...


Anonymous said...

Glad to see you are blogging Laura. The twins are so adorable. I can't believe they are so old and what antics. How cute. Joanie Harris

Adaline said...

Thanks for checking in, Joanie! I wish we could have seen you in St. Louis...

stephanie said...

cute,cute pics. it is so fun to watch bro and sis love on each other. just yesterday, i said to d that it really does amaze me how when my kids are together, they're fighting and fussing, and as soon as they're apart, they go looking for each other. they love being together and i guess the fights have to come with all the fun - oh well. love and miss you,

Unknown said...

They are too cute!